Get a Confidence Boost for Your Next RV Sales Situation
Being in a sales conversation can sometimes feel overwhelming and even scary to think about. I want you to know you can overcome any fear and concern… hundreds of RV shoppers have.
Here are some practical things you can do to take control and make the next sales situation turn out in your favor.
3 Steps to Boosting your RV Buying Confidence
#1 Be Over-Prepared.
Do you remember the GI Joe cartoon from years gone by? While I never understood how so many laser bullets can fly around and no one ever got hurt, one thing that did stick with me was how every single episode ended. Here is how it went…
“Now I know and knowing is half the battle” – GI Joe
Do your homework … lots of research, write it all down, visit online blogs/forums, attend low pressure rv shows, do more research, and write it all down. Putting the effort into your next RV purchase will ensure you have the right answers and know which questions to ask when you get in the next sales conversation.
#2 Be Comfortable with the Truth
Most folks are just plain uncomfortable with any sales situation. If you can recognize the truth of it all and address it head on, your confidence will go through the roof and the entire sales experience will be much better.
Have this conversation with your salesperson …
Joe, I realize we are in a sales situation here. It’s your goal to help me find an RV and ultimately sell me one. I get it. I don’t want this experience to be awkward or feel like we are competitors. I understand where you are coming from and I respect it. I do want to ask of you that you are patient with us as we go through this process. That you be considerate of our timeline, and that you give us your best effort. That will make this a great experience for both of us and we’ll be able to tell all our camping friends and family how great you guys are here at Joe’s RV.
Put your own spin on it, but being up front and setting expectations keeps you in control.
#3 Know your WHY
Did you read through the first lesson in this 5 day series called Asking the Right Question Makes ALL the Difference when Buying an RV? If not, head over there and make sure you know why you are buying an RV in the first place. It takes all the guesswork out of your decision to buy an RV and boosts your confidence.
Do you want to be better prepared the next time you come face to face in a rv sales situation? The Ultimate RV Buyers Guide Bundle is your ticket to taking away the stress. It has ‘must have, already done’ research for you, before you arrive checklists, and even an EXCLUSIVE BONUS: 3 Inside Tips from a Retired RV Salesman. I encourage you to check it out.
Did you miss out on any other lessons in the 3 RV Buying Lessons in 3 Days FREE email course? You can get them all here.